
Christmas Carols & BBQ

Preschool Visit

Christmas Crafts Workshops

Koha Garden Gardening Bee

Christmas Card-making Workshop

“Village People are Growing”

Beetroot Recipe Competition

Māori Health Day

Rekindle Workshop IV

Viv’s Filipino BBQ evenings

Animal Onesie Campfire Night!

Learn to Make Sushi

Denim Re-styling Workshop

Tiny Tastes: Taiwanese Dumplings with Ting

Kids’ Bike Fix-up

Mini-Gardening Workshop

Make Jewellery from Recycled Bike Parts

Spring School Holiday Program

Tiny Tree-planting

CCC Mobile Library Bus starts visiting weekly

Linwood Village Cleanup


Maori Language Week

Tiny Tastes ~ Moroccan Tangine with Bahija

Cloth Bag-Making Workshop

Rekindle Workshop III

Foodbank Pickups started

Campfire Night

Saturday Crafts

Make Jewellery from Recycled Bike Parts Workshop

Rekindle Workshop II

Free Rekindle Workshop