A Children’s Nature Play Area within the Koha Garden, has been on our list of Tiny Improvements we’d like to make for a while.
With our weekly opening hours reduced from 5 days to 3 following the 2020 Lockdown, we focused efforts on what we could provide to be available 24/7 . Haven Preschool mentioned seating for their children to eat at, so the colourful Tree Stump Circle was put in both as a play and storytelling space, and for tiny people picnics!
It’s proven a great spot for Tiny Playgroup activites on Tuesday morning – serendipitous is that it is just the right size for our playmat to fit in the middle- for all the toys and books to be spread out; and a great size for playing parachute!
As well as children aged from preschoolers to high-schoolers; we’ve spotted adults, birds and cats hopping around the stumps or sunning themselves there in the sun.
We also added a Children’s Mud Kitchen and Fresh Food Market. Over 15 people helped in realising these two garden additions – increasing the area and range of play opportunities for children in our area.